In this article, you will read an essay on my school for students and children in 1000 words. This includes various information like surroundings, structure, teachers, students, environment, and other school activities.
Essay on My School for School Students of Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (1000+ Words)
My school is situated within the foothills of Yercaud in Salem district, Tamil Nadu, and is named “Golden Gates.”
It fosters a love for learning, which is often clearly seen in its location, unlike the other school. It’s well placed during a natural setting with hills all around and streams flowing nearby.
Inside the campus, too, there’s abundant nature with almond trees lining the divide between buildings and lots of shrubs and plants bordering different sports grounds.
Our Principal and Correspondent have made it their mission to make a healthy and organic atmosphere for learning.
Surroundings of My school
The site of my school was tranquil also as pollution-free. There have been two stairways at both ends that make me reach every floor.
The varsity was well furnished, including a well-instrumented science lab, an enormous library, also together computer laboratory, initially floor.
There was a faculty lecture theatre located on the bottom floor during which the whole annual meetings and functions happened.
Structure of My school
The head office, principal offices, staff room, clerk room, and traditional classrooms were available on my school’s ground floor. Moreover, there is a stationery shop, school canteen, skating hall, and chess room on the bottom floor.
My school possesses two large concreted basketball courts opposite the office of the faculty principal, whereas the sector of football located at its side. There was a small green garden facing the top office.
It had been filled with bright flowers and pretty plants that increased the entire school’s beauty. During my time, there have been around 1600 students at my school. All the scholars perform pretty well in any inter-school competitions.
Teachers in My School
My school teachers are available all reminder characters. Those teachers have a great love for the topic they teach and impart that like to us students too.
Even a student who hates that specific subject will start liking it if they sit in their classes. Next, we’ve joyful teachers who are cheerful and radiate joy to all or any around them. They’re friendly and compassionate and are the go-to people for all students when any trouble comes up.
Then, the strict teachers are strict and confirm discipline and decorum is maintained throughout school. They’re those who keep rule breakers and unruly students cornered. Together, our teachers form the guts and soul of the varsity.
The Students of Our School
There are often no schools without a scholar. Regardless of how nicely decorated a faculty is, the standard of its teachers or management, it might all attend waste without bright students flooding the classes on a day today.
While an abundance of vibrant students is often found at my school, the strength of the scholar doesn’t lie solely in their numbers.
Students at my school make the work of teachers easy. They’re attentive in school, concentrate on detail, and that they have a knack for finishing a task in record time.
At my school, the conduct of a student is second to none. The scholars are courteous to every other and their superiors. Also, they maintain the very best level of dignity within the classroom and beyond.
All About My School Environment
Assimilation becomes difficult when learning is conducted in a toxic environment. Other times, the terrain isn’t poisonous but lacks the proper appeal to the typical student.
Students want to be welcomed with the appropriate colours and feel comfortable once they sit or draw inspiration from the overall architecture of their school.
My school embodies the qualities mentioned above and more to the littlest of details. The school rooms are decorated with bright colours to cheer up the student’s mood.
Also, the playground is meant to relax each student after participating in a mentally challenging mental exercise. Therefore the general design of the varsity subconsciously makes every student feel reception.
Only fond memories – a home far away from home: For me, it had been a home far away from home. Even the trivial matters about the varsity became part and parcel of my life. Each classroom that I also have sat in had made an indelible mark on my memory.
The see-saw within the kids’ park, the category assemblies, physical training classes, lunch break chit chats, art competitions, sports competitions, silly fights with friends, school anniversaries, tight special courses, records, labs, exams all left deep imprints in my mind.
The most significant part of my school memory revolves around the teachers. They’re the incarnation of the divine. They kindle our lives with the brilliant light of data and help us to imbibe the values to measure.
We cannot ignore the contributions of the teachers, as they played a substantial role in moulding a student’s life.
At first, a student tries to imitate the teacher and gradually makes them role models. A teacher plays an essential role in guiding scholars to a righteous path. During school life, the moral values inherited can last for a lifetime.
The way the teachers nurture and love the scholars is heart rendering. We will openly share our anxieties and frustrations with our teachers. Most teachers were more like best friends.
We want to celebrate Teachers Day every year in a glorious fashion. Our dear teachers always put forth spell spindling performances and enthralled the scholars with a real visual treat. Their blessings can have an enormous influence on anybody’s life.
Even after you pursue your higher studies, you’ll always come to your school and cherish your good old days. Our teachers are so overwhelmed to ascertain us and are curious to understand our accomplishments.
Besides these, another neatest thing about school is our friends. It’s the place where any human begins to socialize. You enter into a replacement realm of social life at college.
As you get older, the influence of your coevals holds an essential role in your character formation. Hence your acquaintance at college becomes family. The hilarious moments with the buddies are irreplaceable.
Other facilities in My School
Students in my school also get the bus’s power that helps them reach the varsity from distant places. The whole students want to accumulate within the play area in the morning for the prayer then return to their particular schoolrooms.
There have been different teachers for the various subjects in my school like Math, P.T., Hindi, English, G.K, Marathi, geography, history, drawing and crafts, science, and lots of more.
My School Schedule
We start our day with a prayer assembly. We depart to our respective classes with a brief news time, prayer song, and any specific instructions for the day. After four periods of subjects with a brief snack break in between, we break for lunch.
Lunch is when the whole school comes alive with shouts and screams of laughter as we all socialize with classmates. Then follows three periods of subjects within the afternoon and off we leave to our homes.
But everybody’s favourite is Saturday! The full-day is dedicated to extracurricular activities. There are many musics, Dance, Gardening, Math, Drama, Science, Eco, etc.
Post lunch, we’ve various sports clubs to participate in. Each student is to select two clubs and partake within them in the morning. On the entire, Saturdays are full of play and fun.
With the hustle and bustle of city life, my school may be a beautiful place to find out and grow in today’s world. It enriches our journey through education by blending live, fun, and nature.
I hope you liked this essay on my school for students and children in 1000 words.
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It’s amazing. It helped my little brother a lot. Thank you very much.
It’s very nice. It helped my little brother a lot. Thank you very much.