In this article, read Terrorism Essay for students and children in 1000 words, It includes meaning, types, causes, effects, 10 lines about terrorism.
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Terrorism Essay (1000 Words)
Terrorism is defined as the deliberate use of violence to create a broad environment of fear among people to achieve a specific political goal.
Nationalistic and religious groups, revolutionaries, and state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police have used terrorism to achieve their goals. Terrorism has also been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives,
What is Terrorism?
Terrorism definitions are often complicated and contentious, and because of the inherent fury and brutality of terrorism, the word has a strong negative connotation in popular culture.
Even though terrorism is not defined by law in all countries, the existing legislation often has several characteristics in common. When violence is used or threatened, terrorism attempts to instill fear in a large number of people, not only those directly affected by the act of terrorism.
Terrorism differs from both conventional and guerilla warfare in that it places a greater emphasis on fear than any of them. The primary method of success for traditional military forces, even though they inevitably engage in psychological warfare against their adversaries, is via the use of force.
In a similar vein, guerrilla forces, which often depend on acts of terror and other propaganda to achieve military triumph, strive for victory on the battlefield and sometimes succeed.
Since outright military victory cannot always be achieved, terrorism is the intentional use of violence to inspire fear and, as a result, to accomplish political objectives when no other means of achieving those goals are available.
It is because of this that some social scientists refer to guerilla warfare as the “weapon of the weak” and to terrorism as the “weapon of the weakest.”
Types of Terrorism
The next sections will discuss several types of terrorism, which will be discussed in the following contexts:
State Terrorism
State terrorism is defined as “terrorism perpetrated by governments against perceived opponents. ” In the international realm, state terrorism may be conducted either internationally against adversaries or domestically against domestic foes.”
Dissident Terrorism
Terrorism “committed by nonstate movements and organizations against governments, ethnonational groupings, religious groups, and other perceived adversaries” is referred to as dissident terrorism.
Religious Terrorism
Religion-inspired terrorism is defined as “terrorism motivated by an absolute conviction that an otherworldly force has sanctioned—and even ordered—the deployment of terrorist violence for the greater glory of one’s religious beliefs.”
Religious terrorism is often carried out in defence of what followers perceive to be the one authentic religion.”
Ideological Terrorism
It is defined as terrorist activity motivated by political systems of thinking that promote the self-perceived inherent rights of a specific group or interest instead of the rights of another.
It is the system of ideas that contains theoretical and philosophical grounds for using violence to defend or enforce the rights of a particular group or interest.
International Terrorism
Terrorism has spilled over into the international scene. ” It is decided on which targets to attack based on their significance as symbols of foreign interests, either inside the home country or outside state borders.”
Gender-Selective Terrorism
Terrorism is intended against either men or women in an enemy population based on their gender identity or expression. Because males are regarded as a danger as prospective soldiers or sources of dissent, systematic violence is focused on them.
A hostile group’s cultural identity is destroyed or terrorized into submission when systematic violence is aimed towards its women.
Causes of Terrorism
A thorough investigation of why certain nations are more susceptible to terrorist attacks does not exist at this time. There is a wide range of explanations and disputes.
When it comes to terrorism, psychopathological theories often leave out the socio-economic and political context.
Research suggests that normalcy is a trait of terrorists, but psychopathological issues among the group leaders might also be necessary. Theories on the causes of terrorism that have been proposed include:
- Deprivation and inequality are often associated, particularly among culturally distinct populations. This may lead to civic unrest, which may include terrorism. It’s a kind of social control from the bottom up since terror acts are aimed at symbols of the central authority or a more affluent society.
- As long as marginal groups do not feel included, they are more likely to engage in violent extremism. Ethnic variety enhances the possibilities.
- Terrorism may spread from one nation to another. For example, the media may help shape terrorism’s agenda, increase its lethality and make it more international.
- Unmarried men, who make up a large percentage of the population, are more likely to be involved in intra-societal violence and instability. Many young males who engage in political and criminal violence are single and unmarried.
- Terrorist violence creates windows of opportunity to sway public opinion and mobilize financial resources. Resuming and increasing hostilities to erode trust and prevent compromise is a tactic used by radical elements of coalition organizations in the event of a peace deal.
Effects of Terrorism
Terrorist attacks affect the economy in several ways, as outlined here.
1. Total and Complete Devastation of the Economy
Physical devastation is a significant factor in the negative economic effect of terrorism and conflict. The destruction of precious resources and diverting help from other productive uses to support the military and defense are two of the most egregious examples of waste.
2. Increased Market Uncertainty
There is a lot of discussion concerning the extent and scope of the financial markets’ effect. While global terrorist threats and publicity continue to climb, markets seem to be more resilient.
Stock market indices did not fall substantially after the terrorist attacks that killed at least 129 people in France in 2015. 6 5 As a result of the 2016 Nice terrorist incident, France is now seen as a more dangerous location to live and do business.
3. The State’s Health Is Predicted on the Success of the War
Resources for productive economic activity are better managed by people than governments, mainly when such resources are diverted to meet a military strategic goal. The private sector suffers as a result of government militarisation.
Major Terrorist Attacks in India
- 1996 Lajpat Nagar Blast.
- 2000 terrorist attack on Red Fort.
- 2001 Attack on the Indian parliament.
- 2005 Delhi bombings.
- 2008 Delhi bombings.
- 2011 High court bombing.
- 2012 Attacks on Israeli diplomats.
How to Stop Terrorism?
When combating terrorism, concerns like foreign fighters, border restrictions, and cutting off money have to be addressed. With more rigorous border inspections, more vital police and judicial cooperation on tracking suspects, eliminating terrorist funding, dealing with organized crime, and coping with radicalization for Europe’s borders can be better protected from future attacks.
- Increasing the effectiveness of border restrictions
- Securing the country’s exterior boundaries
- Making use of information gathered from airline passengers
- Increasing the difficulty of obtaining potentially lethal weapons
10 lines on Terrorism Essay
- To commit acts of terrorism is to unlawfully intimidate and threaten others.
- Terrorists are those who propagate terrorism.
- Terrorism is a disease that has spread across the globe.
- Millions of people throughout the globe die as a result of it.
- The satisfaction of desire is the primary motivation for acts of terrorism.
- No religious or community affiliation is required for it to exist.
- Terrorist incidents include the 26/11 assault, the Delhi bombings, and the Pulwama attack.
- For the most part, terrorists try to bring down the system by illegitimate means and establish their influence over the government.
- At this point, almost every country is on board with the idea of combating terrorism.
- By educating people, terrorism can be eliminated.
Torture and violence against people or property are considered acts of terrorism. Terrorism is defined as the illegal use of force or violence against people or property to frighten or compel a government or its population into advancing specific political and social goals.
I hope this Terrorism Essay helped you to understand its causes, effects and controling measures.
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