In this essay on importance of water for students and children in 1500+ word, we have covered its importance, use, sources, recycling, and saving water.
Introduction (Essay on Importance of Water)
Water is one of the essential resource on Earth that all plants and animals sure require surviving. If there were no water, there were not to be life on Earth. Besides drinking it to survive, people have many other uses of water.
Uses of water in daily life –
- Cooking
- Bath
- Washing clothes
- Washing dishes for cooking and eating such as pans, crockery, and cutlery
- Keeping plants alive in parks and gardens
- Keeping homes and communities clean
- Recreation activities, such as swimming pools
Water is essential for the healthy growth of crops and agricultural resources and uses to produce many products. The most important thing is that the water that people drink and use for other hygienic purposes requires a pure and clean. It indicates that the water must be free from germs and chemicals and be cleaning (not turbid).
Germs that cause disease and chemicals contaminate the water. and while people drink it or come in contact with it differently, it causes sickness and diseases. It says that water is not safe to drink if it is not potable. Throughout history, there have been many deaths people because pathogenic germs have spread in the community through contaminated water.
One of the reasons why it happens nowadays is that people in many countries take care of the availability of pure drinking water. Water supplies are routinely testing for germs and chemicals that may contaminate water.
While the water is contaminated and not safe to drink, it requires treatment. All measures and operations are taking to purify the drinking water are called the water treatment process.
Sources of Water
There are many ways to collect water. The primary sources are:
Groundwater refers to any source of water under the soil layer or between rocks and other materials. Most communities receive water from underground aquifers or rock formations capable of storing large amounts of freshwater.
Only 4 percent of the water on Earth is considering freshwater, and we find only 30 percent of this small amount as groundwater. Pollution abuse threatens this valuable resource.
Surface water
Surface water sources include any above-ground water harvest, such as rivers, lakes, ponds, and oceans. Underground aquifers also feed some sources of surface water.
Surface water accounts for around 75 percent of the water. This is water that falls to the ground as rain or hail.
While collects this water from a particular area called the catchment, it then stores the water in a natural or artificial (artificial) barrier called a dam or reservoir. The catchment areas are usually distant from the cities to reduce the likelihood of water contamination.
Some laws control human activities, such as agriculture and recreation in catchment areas and dams, to ensure that it keeps water resources in a potable state.
Ocean water
Although oceanic water accounts for almost 90 percent of all water on Earth, it is not a viable source of drinking water unless removing salt and other contaminants. Desalination, the process of salt removal from water, is rapidly growing in practice.
For removal of salt and other microscopic particles from water, reverse osmosis is the most promising method. This process forces salty water through filters with microscopic pores that remove salt and other microbes. Reverse osmosis requires large amounts of energy, which makes it a very costly process.
Glacier and Icecaps melting
With 03 percent of terrestrial water considered freshwater, 70 percent of this small amount is now enclosed in glaciers and ice caps.
Theoretically, Glacier can be melted and used, but the amount of energy needed to melt and transport vast amounts of ice makes it economically impractical. Glaciers and ice caps also play a significant role in regulating the Earth’s climate and global temperatures, so that their role is significant.
It locates them where underground water flows naturally from the ground without the use of openings, wells or pumps. Sources often occur at the bottom of the hill or on sloping terrain.
The water catchment areas and rock holes
Sometimes, massive rocky outcrops contain low areas in which it traps water. These low areas are good natural dams.
Excavated dams
Excavated dams are created by catching the ground to get a large, shallow hole. These dams are sometimes making at the bottom of the slope to help collect water.
This is beneficial only in areas where the soil does not allow water to soak quickly through the ground.
For example- clay soils that do not allow the outflow of water are known as impermeable.
If the community wants a dam in an area where the soil is not impermeable, it can be done by digging the hole and lining it with clay or impermeable linings, such as concrete or heavy plastic. Farmers often use excavated dams to supply water resources.
Importance of Water recycling
The water on Earth today is the same water that was here when the Earth formed. This is thanks to recycled water, both naturally occurring and because of human technology. The Earth soaks water again naturally.
However, water recycling in people uses method to speed up the process through practices such as the re-use of wastewater for purposes such as irrigation, toilet flushing, or filling the groundwater pool.
Another common form of recycling water is industrial recycling, in which the industrial machines re-use “waste” water on-site for processes such as cooling. One of the key benefits of water recycling is that it reduces the need to remove water from natural habitats, such as wetlands.
The environmental benefits of water recycling
When recycling water uses, this means there is no need to draw water from other sources. Many areas where pure water abounds are delicate ecosystems that suffer when their water removes. When water recycles, it makes it easier for places like a swamp to maintain water supplies.
More advantages of wastewater recycling
Repeatedly recycling water not only prevents its removal from sensitive environments but also prevents sewage from entering waters such as the ocean or river.
Recycling of water consumes the dirty water such as sewage and uses it again, instead of directing it to the nearest river or ocean, where it can spread pollution and disrupt water life.
It increases the benefits for irrigation
While wastewater can be severely damaging to rivers and oceans, it should be recycled that is beneficial for irrigation and fertilizing fields. Recycled water contains high levels of nitrogen harmful to aquatic organisms and is an essential nutrient for plants.
It improves wetlands
Wetlands provide many environmental benefits, such as the accommodation of wild fauna and flora, reducing floods, improving water quality, and providing a safe breeding site for fish populations. Many times recycled, it can add water to the dried wetlands, helping them to grow again in a lush environment.
Provides future water supply
When you take water from rivers and oceans to use for things like irrigation and wetlands, this consumes some drinking water supplies.
When it recovers and use water, this minimizes the potential loss of drinking water. This leaves the maximum amount of water that future generations can use for their drinking needs.
The importance of saving water
Water is essential for surviving human life. Although the supply seems abundant, water is not an unlimited resource, especially fresh drinking water, which is the most necessary for human survival.
There are also economic benefits because it saves energy and equipment directly because of water conservation activities.
Agricultural protection
In the central valley of California, the increased urbanization caused the drainage of valuable aquifers. Further, it consumes more surface water from rural areas.
The American geological survey reports that the Tulare Valley, the hottest and driest part of the Central California Valley shows declines in groundwater levels and the associated storage of groundwater.
Environmental factors
The vast majority of lives on Earth indirectly depends on water supply. Conservation also protects the balance of life on Earth that would be disrupted by reducing water supplies. Overuse of water threatens other forms of lives that help us maintain.
For example, the US Reclamation Office reports that in the last 100 years, about 22 species of fish have died extinct in 16 western states, partly because of a change in habitat.
Some habitat changes are because of the expansion of human populations, and the same population growth has also increased the water demand from these areas.
Transportation cost
Water is not processed and delivered to our home for free. Every time we use water, the local company charges an amount. The greater the demand for water, the higher the amount. By saving water, it will save money in terms of both the quantity used and the unit price.
Energy consumption
Excessive water consumption leads to excessive consumption of another non-renewable resource, energy. It must heat the water in the home for many uses, such as cleaning and bathing, and this requires energy.
Also, the local water company must consume energy to process and supply water to the home. Thus excessive water consumption also requires more energy from the public utility company.
More water consumption causes more uses of infrastructure and technology:
Saving the water reduces the need for creating and maintaining water treatment and supply systems, such as wastewater treatment plants and septic systems.
More water consumption requires more use of this equipment and needs to be replaced. Besides, excessive water consumption can overwhelm local sewage treatment plants, which causes some water to be pushed before complete purification, which may pose a health risk.
Similarly, an overloaded septic system can cause untreated water leaking into the surrounding soil.
We can conclude that all living organisms on Earth depend entirely on water, and if the water they consume is not clean, it harms these organisms. Water refinery systems partially solve the problem of people outside such a barrier.
However, people in non-developed countries do not have such refining systems. They consume water directly from their natural sources, just like animals and plants. That is why all-natural water sources must be clean so that all living organisms on the planet have access to clean water.
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