Here, you will read an Essay on Untouchability in India for Students and Children in 1000 Words. This includes Introduction, meaning, laws, reasons, and steps to eradicate untouchability.
Introduction (Essay on Untouchability in India)
India has the largest democracy and is divided into many castes and religions. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem for Indian society in India. Unnoticed are diseases that cause other problems in our country. Non-sleepers are like termites that throw our country from within.
There are many problems in our country, but the surprises are very serious and deadly. Some scholars say that undeniable sin is a sin against humans and God. Unimaginable is a trademark that tilted its head in shame.
Meaning of Untouchability
Untouchability refers to an age-old practice of exclusion of minority groups from the mainstream by social custom or legal mandate. The term is generally associated with Dalit communities in India, who were considered “polluting“.
It is believed that the touching of untouchables, even their shadow, makes the upper caste people ‘impure’ and they have to bathe in the holy Ganges-water to regain their purity.
Untouchability as Per Constitution
Untouchability in India was abolished by the Constitution, which came into force from 26 January 1950. The Untouchability Offenses Act was passed in 1955 to stop the practice of untouchability.
By this law, untouchability was declared a crime and the provision of punishment for it. The practice of untouchability in India has been declared a punishable offence under Article 14. Article 14 is following.
‘Untouchability’ is abolished and its conduct in any form is prohibited. It would be an offence to apply any disability arising out of untouchability, which would be punishable according to law.
Reasons of Untouchability in India
1. Ethnic Factors
One of the root causes of untouchability is racial considerations. There are numerous tribes in India, but the developed and cultured Aryans defeated the Indian tribes.
The conqueror always considers him superior to the backward and worse than the other castes. According to some scholars, the Aryan invaders gave some derogatory names to the non-Aryan castes that settled in India and regarded them as untouchables.
A separate branch of the Naga tribe of Assam is not allowed to wear ivory ornaments on both hands. This ban was imposed on those people because they were indifferent to the racial attitudes of other Naga tribes.
As a result, over time the whole system has become so rigid that such people are considered untouchables.
2. Religious Issues
Religious elements are another cause of untouchability. Religious rituals, beliefs and convention rules play an important role in untouchability.
Religion is given an important place in righteousness and divinity. These are essential in motivating people to stop engaging in illicit business.
3. Social Aspects
Social factors are also equally important in maintaining untouchability. Religious and ethnic causes recognize social customs and justify the prevalence of untouchability. Hutton believes that the origins of the system are partly racial, religious, and partly a matter of social customs.
Steps to Remove Untouchability in India
After the independence period, several practical steps and measures were taken to remove or eradicate untouchability through constitutional and legal action. As untouchables or Dalits have been competing for centuries, it is natural for them to grow up without special help.
Constitutional Provisions
The basis of the administration, which is the Constitution of India, does not tolerate such discrimination. Its entire structure is based on the equal treatment of the citizens of this country. Articles 15 and 16 and 17 make explicit provisions in this regard.
Seat Reservation
The Constitution of India provides that seats for scheduled castes should be reserved for elected and administrative bodies and institutions. Departmental candidates are reserved even during examinations.
The age limit is also relaxed for Harijans to come up. There is also an exception to the standard of compatibility. The High Power Committee will be constituted from time to time to review the progress made in the recruitment cases for the various posts.
Career Guidance
The government has been provided to provide employment and employment guidance to the untouchables. A pre-test and training center for All India Civil Service has been opened in Allahabad and Madras.
Similarly, training centres were set up for state service examinations. Coaching-cum-guiding centres are located in Delhi, Jabalpur and Madras. These centers are intended to assist the SCS in obtaining adequate employment in government and the private sector.
Establishment of Advisory Bodies
Provision has been made to establish various advisory bodies to advise the Government on various issues of Scheduled Castes.
The President of India has appointed the Scheduled Castes Commissioner to look into all matters about the actual implementation of the Scheduled Castes safeguards and to compile a comprehensive report as per the requirements of the Constitution.
NGOs are also set up for the welfare of scheduled castes. The Harijan Sevak Sangh is the most active of such organizations.
Also, Ishwar Saran Ashram, Allahabad and Hindi Sweeper Sangh, New Delhi, Servants of Indian Society, Poona and All India Backward Class Association, are some other charities working for the welfare of Scheduled Castes in Delhi.
As a result, one way of their advancement is to make reservations for so-called Harijans in the electoral and administrative setting so they can use it as a launching pad for social development. Ladder, and achieve their proper place in society.
Educational Opportunities
Indian Government has taken lots of steps to provide the free and best education to the communities who are deprived of excellent education since years.
Government offers them a scholarship, seat reservations and age relaxation so that they come and take a wonderful education.
Views on Untouchability
Untouchability not only means non-touching. It also mean ‘touching and touching’ problem in common language. The practice of untouchability in India has been declared a punishable offence under Article 14.
The first reason of untouchability is the development of racial feeling. Some species consider themselves superior to other species. Apart from racial and religious reasons, untouchability also has social causes.
This is a very ancient practice, which has its roots firmly in our society and its people. Although difficult, it is not impossible to change people’s minds and see them of all classes equally and give fair treatment to all.
It will ensure peace and harmony among the residents of society and ensure satisfaction to all. All people should be equal in the eyes of law and no one should be discriminated against and dominated based on race, colour, caste, material features etc. needed. I hope you liked this informative Essay on Untouchability in India.
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