In this article, read a climate change essay for students and children in 1000 words. It includes an introduction, meaning, causes, effects, and steps to reduce the climate change problem.
Climate Change Essay (1000 Words)
The existence of life on Earth is possible because of three major components: the Sun, the atmosphere, and the water cycle of the planet.
When the rays of the Sun reach Earth, some of it is partly absorbed by the gases present in the atmosphere, while others are reflected in space.
The atmospheric gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapours absorb the Sun’s radiation and reflect it towards the Earth.
This helps to keep the planet warm. These atmospheric gases that keep the Earth-friendly are known as greenhouse gases, and this effect is called the greenhouse effect.
Without greenhouse gases, Earth’s average temperature would be around -15 °C apart from the current temperature of 18 °C.
These gases are essential for keeping our planet suitable for life, but its excess in the atmosphere has led to severe climatic conditions in the last few decades.
This excess of heat in the atmosphere heats the overall temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere; this process is called Global Warming. Global level changes in the climatic conditions had observable effects on the environment.
The extreme weather conditions have been a matter of concern as they have been rising for a few decades.
People worldwide are experiencing hotter summers, colder winters, vast temperature differences, an increase in sea levels, cyclones, reducing glacier levels, and other extreme climatic conditions. The effects that scientists once predicted are occurring now.
What is Climate Change?
Climate change refers to the overall changes in Earth’s environment that eventually increase Earth’s average surface temperature. In simple words, climate change is the change that occurs in Earth’s climatic conditions.
It describes the changes in the atmosphere over a period that ranges from a few decades to millions of years. Climate change is not a recent phenomenon, as it has always existed throughout the history of our planet.
However, we have noticed the changes in the global climatic conditions for around 150 years.
With the industrial revolution and the development of science and technology, millions of metric tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases were released into the atmosphere.
It doubles the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere within a few decades. Climate change has become a major global challenge today, as the world is becoming vulnerable to changes in climatic conditions.
According to the latest reports of the United Nations, if we don’t control global warming, Earth’s average surface temperature can increase by 6 °C by the end of the century.
Causes of Climate Change
The Earth’s climate has constantly changed; some of these changes result from natural causes, while others are due to man-made activities. Some significant causes of climate change are:
1. Natural Causes
- Changes in solar radiation: Solar radiation heats the Earth, and it is responsible for the planet’s weather patterns. Any changes in the intensity of solar radiation can increase or decrease the surface temperature.
- Weather Changes: Climate change can also occur due to drastic changes in weather phenomena like cyclones, hurricanes, floods, and even volcanic eruptions (Disasters). These events can cause significant damage to the environment and affect the climate.
- Greenhouse Gases: With the increasing temperature of the planet, the emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere increase. This leads to the absorption of more heat in the atmosphere, thereby increasing the temperature of Earth.
2. Man-made Causes
- Industrialization: Increased development in the production and manufacturing processes has led to the tremendous release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, a major cause of climate change worldwide.
- Deforestation: Increased deforestation leads to the cutting down of trees for urbanization; however, it reduces the amount of carbon dioxide intake by the plants. This increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and warms the environment.
- Uncontrolled Emissions: With the advancement in technology, and the number of vehicles, the emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere have increased significantly.
Effects of Climate Change
Climate change has a wide range of effects on our atmosphere and the overall world. Here are some of the significant and noticeable impact.
Weather: The major effect of climate change is the changes in the weather patterns that have become unpredictable. The changes in the weather patterns bring significant risks to plants and animals.
Wildlife: Changes in environmental factors result in the change of animal behaviour. Lack of food, reduction of water sources, and even the approach of new predators are some common effects they usually face. All these factors make the animals shift their position and lead to the extinction of a species.
Plants: The unfavourable weather conditions affect plant life subsequently. Water supply reduces, and heat increases, thereby reducing its growth.
Increase in sea levels: With increased atmospheric temperature, the polar ice caps start to melt, and then the sea level increases. This pushes millions of people to live in coastal areas and destroys various ecosystems and natural habitats.
Steps to Reduce Climate Change
The Climate change that we are witnessing today demands action from us. Here are some of the ways that can help us to be a part of the climate change solution:
Encourage people: Encourage everyone around you to reduce carbon pollution and take practical measures to act boldly on climate change.
Don’t waste food: About 26% of produced food is always wasted. People worldwide waste about 1 billion tonnes of food each year, which accounts for about 9% of greenhouse gas emissions. Composts should be used to organize organic waste.
Plant trees: Deforestation and improper use of agricultural land are the reason behind 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This can be controlled by planting trees and rebuilding ecosystems.
Reduce energy use: Switch off the TV, lights, AC, and other electrical appliances when you are not using them. Replace the light bulbs with LED lights and start using other environment-friendly products.
What is Climate Change Resilience?
Climate change resilience is the potential to anticipate, prepare for, and to respond to different hazardous events linked to climate change.
Improving climate resilience requires understanding how climate change can alter the present weather conditions and other climate-related issues, and it also involves taking necessary steps to cope with these risks.
10 Lines on Climate Change
- Climate change refers to any type of change that occurs in Earth’s normal environmental and weather conditions; it is a change in the climate pattern that can last for a few decades or centuries.
- Deforestation, industrial development, increased number of vehicles, population explosion, and release of greenhouse gases into account are the major risks for climate change.
- Many species of plants and animals have already become extinct due to climate change issues, and many others are still on the verge of extinction.
- Carbon emissions are one of the major contributions that are mainly responsible for climate change.
- Due to climate change, the rain pattern has also changed, leading to extreme weather conditions like drought and flood.
- The major effect of climate change is that it is gradually increasing Earth’s surface temperature. If we do not control it, then the planet may heat by 6 °C by the end of the century.
- The melting of glaciers is the major threat of climate change, as it will increase the sea level and will bring a lot of direct and indirect impacts.
- To reduce the impact of climate change on our environment, we have to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other greenhouse gases.
- Researchers say that a few years from now, some coastal areas will get submerged into the ocean due to climate change.
- People should start acting to save the future of our planet, and at least we can plant a tree as our contribution to controlling global climatic issues.
Climate change is not a typical ecological issue that can be fixed within a shorter period and in a more straightforward method.
It is the biggest issue today, affecting millions of people worldwide, and will start affecting the entire world population if we do nothing about it.
Neglecting the climate change issues can cause significant damage to our environment and can be a substantial threat to our future generations.
We must take preventive measures to make our environment a safe and healthy place for the people of the Earth. I hope this climate change essay helped you in your project.
Timothy Grace says
Really helpful