In this article you will read an informative essay in co-education for students and children in 1000 Words. This includes importance, advantages, disadvantages, and conclusion of co-education.
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What is Co-education?
Co-education means education for both boys and girls together. The joint education of both sexes at the same institution and in the same classes is called co-education.
This is an economic system because both boys and girls study in the same school and college with the same teachers. Further, boys and girls have to live together in a society in which there later life, and if they studied together from the very beginning, then they can understand each other.
The first co-educational college was founded on December 3, 1833, with 44 students, including 29 men and 15 women in Oberlin Collegiate Institute in Oberlin, Ohio.
Though nowadays it is widespread, co-education was once a very controversial idea in the past. The notion that women and men can learn together and help educate one another has evolved over a long period.
The progress of women in education is a product of great determination from the Women’s Rights Movement, educational institutions, and government legislation.
Importance of Co-education
Helps in understanding social intelligence
It is believed that social intelligence helps humans in effectively negotiating and navigating complicated relationships and environments. This is regarded as an individual’s competence to understand his or her background and react in a manner accepted as socially successful conduct.
Social intelligence is a vital tool that a child needs to grow up as a good human being within the family and in society. By this, a child develops healthy relationships with family, friends, and members of society. This also makes a child better at managing emotions, handling conflicts, being empathetic, and improving values.
Helps in removing gender discrimination
Co-education helps to remove gender discrimination. Here both boys and girls give respect to each other and help in all ways.
Advantages of Co-education
1. Provides school diversity
School diversity helps the students in enrolling, especially students in co-education schools. If young boys and girls are exposed to diversity at an early age, they will find it easier to adapt to different environments when they grow up. This diversity set-up is useful in teaching other forms of diversity like cultural and social.
2. Teacher showing equality
When both boys and girls study in the same class, getting an education from the same teacher, interacting with each other, and participating in all competitions helps them to gain confidence and respect for each other.
3. Promotes Socialization
The familiarity in co-education teaches students about co-existence and, at the same time, helps them to prepare how to deal with unique kinds of people when they pass out of school.
4. Prepares Real World for the students
In Co-educational schools, students are exposed to a healthy environment in the sense that society is composed of both men and women.
5. Communication skills are improved
When a student studies in a co-educational school or co-educational institution, he or she will express his thoughts and also get to know others’ thoughts.
He will also develop communication skills, as there will be interactions between various languages of students. There will also be an exchange of opinions on different subjects. So by this, their communication skill will improve.
6. Develops mutual respect and self-esteem
Co-education helps both boys and girls to respect each other and help in every need. It also helps to lay the early foundation for maintaining dignity and self-esteem.
7. Overcome the fear of the opposite gender-
There are many differences between boys and girls who hesitate them to involve in any conversation. This kind of hesitation, shyness, or fear can overcome when they study in a co-education system where they will compel to talk and create a friendly environment with no doubt.
8. Healthy competition
Co-education helps to nurture challenges among the opposite sex healthily, helping them to maintain their dignity. It also educates them to face their failures and learn from them rather than turn into the evil act.
Disadvantages of co-education
1. Distractions could be more
Every teenager undergoes some phase in their life. For them, it is common to come across some psychological changes when they are in the company of the opposite gender and feel attracted to them. This always disturbs their study period. Hence, parents often think about co-educational schools better for their children or not.
2. Unethical activities
Crimes are more, but when both the genders are put in the same institution, crime is common there. There might be a lot of characteristics, emotional, etc. changes among boys and girls.
When they mismatch, some students commit various dangerous activities like harassments, physical toughness, and emotional stress to people around them.
3. Involvement is more in personal feelings
Emotions are very dangerous. When teens are at their emotional stage, they come across a lot of problems that can force a child to deviate from their goals.
4. Unhealthy environment
It is common that on any topic arguments occur. But if this happens, it can cause distraction from study and an unhealthy environment.
5. Boys Differ from Girls
There are some subjects where boys are better than girls and some subjects girls are better than boys. This can cause a teacher problem to teach the students according to them.
6. Early Relationships
Students spend most of their time in schools and colleges. This means boys and girls have more time to be together and interact with one another. This can lead to engaging in relationships and, eventually, sexual activities.
If these students are still immature and careless, these actions can cause early pregnancy and prior marriages.
7. Attention Given to Students
In co-education schools, boys are considered being independent and able to do anything for themselves. Whereas, most of the girls are under subjection and so considered as fragile.
This thinking has been prevalent for a long time and is not beneficial every time. Taking this into account, girls are more attended to assistance as compared to boys. Unlike the girls, boys are keen at expecting to figure things on their own.
We accept that co-education is an excellent system. We can find in every sphere of life the way we find defects in co-education. All this happens because of an unpleasant coincidence. The advantages of co-education are many. Co-education is an essential requirement for the development of our species and nation.
Anonymous says
Thanks so much it is so helpful for me
Malaika says
Co-education give slef confidence to the students if properly managed