In this article, you will read about International Women’s Day in 1800 Words with its Importance, Date, Celebration. International Women’s Day (IWD) Supporting to Women for Equality.
So, let’s start this article on International Women’s Day…
Introduction (International Women’s Day – 1800 Words)
International Women’s Day is observed around the world to celebrate femininity, its social, political, cultural, economic achievements and to recognize its significant contributions to society. Adopted by the UN in 1977, a year, it celebrates March 8th as International Women’s Day.
Advertising International Women’s Day initially emerged from the activities of the labor movements in the twentieth century in North America and throughout Europe.
Earlier the UN adopted this day as International Women’s Day, the socialist and communist countries observed it. The day was initially renowned as International Working Women’s Day and is believed to be held at a political-socialist event in New York City in 1909.
From the earliest years, it has taken on a new global dimension for women in developed and developing countries. According to the United Nations website, “Over the years, the UN and its specialized agencies have promoted the involvement of women as equal partners with men in persuading sustainable development, peace, security and provide respect for human rights.
Women’s empowerment remains a central feature of UN efforts to address social, economic, and political challenges around the world.” Besides focusing on women-centered developments, this day also emphasizes the importance of gender equality.
The day came to be increasingly associated with feminism and equal rights for all. Every year, it chooses a theme to celebrate this day. This year, it is “Think alike, build smart, and innovate for a change.” Every year, on March 8th, the world respects women that have paved the way for gender equality and making a difference today.
Importance of International Women’s Day
Women all over the world have long struggled for social, economic, cultural, and political equality. These social movements have contributed to women’s advancement in society, and International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate this. As per the Organization for International Women’s Day “A balanced society is a better society,”
“How forge a more gender-balanced world?
Celebrate the success of women. Raise awareness against prejudice and take action for equality. Schmittmann knows the importance of equality and representation firsthand, she said.
“I have spent an enormous part of my career as a woman in physics,” said Schmittmann. “I was in the under-represented group. While you look around and no one looks like you, you feel discouraging.”
Because of Schmittmann’s experience being in the under-represented group, she realizes the importance of days like International Women’s Day. “It is essential because it offers time to pause, think, reflect, look where we went as women, where we came from and further where we want to go.”
Aziza Cyamani is a scholar student in Industrial Design and Sustainable Environments who came from Rowanda to the state of Iowa for postgraduate studies. It involves Cyamani with YWCA on campus and the Ames International Women’s Day Coalition.
She draws her experience as a woman in the positive state of Iowa and a learning experience. I loved being involved in and involved inequality talks in the state of Iowa, “said Cyamani.” It is not a day for women. It is a day for equality.
It is a day for everyone.
“Cyamani says that International Women’s Day is important because it starts a dialogue and shows people the work that can still be done. “Everyone can do something,”.
If you are a man, come and listen. If you are a woman, vote, take part in some way.
The slogan for this year’s International Women’s Day campaign is “Better Balance.” A theme that the Organization for International Women’s Day said it promoted the idea that International Women’s Day is for men and women. “Everyone has a role to play, all the time, everywhere,” according to the Organization for International Women’s Day.
The Organization for International Women’s Day also works to promote its campaign throughout the year, not just on March 8th. There should be “The race for a gender-balanced boardroom, gender-balanced government, gender-balanced media coverage, gender-balanced staff, gender-balanced wealth and gender-balanced sports coverage,” according to the Organization for International Women’s Day. “Gender balance is essential for economies and communities to thrive — every day, not just March 8th.
The world has witnessed a significant change and a change in attitude in women’s and society’s thoughts about women’s equality and emancipation. Many of a younger generation may feel that “it has won all battles for women,” while many 1970s feminists well know of the longevity and entrenched complexity of patriarchy.
More women in the boardroom, more equality in legislative rights, and an improvement in the critical mass of women’s visibility as outstanding role models are in all facets of life. We can think it that women have achieved true equality.
The regrettable fact is that it does not yet pay women the identical as men, women are not yet present in equal numbers in business and politics, and overall education, health, and violence against them is worse than men. However, significant improvements have been occurring. Schoolgirls are welcoming to universities.
Further, many females have been working as astronauts and prime ministers. They can work and have their own choices. Moreover, so, each year, the world inspires women and celebrates their achievements.
The IWD is an official holidays in many countries including Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China (for women only), Cuba, Georgia, Guinea Bissau, Eritrea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Madagascar (for women). ), Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal (women only).
The tradition sees men honoring their mothers, wives, girlfriends, colleagues, etc. with flowers and small gifts. In some countries, IWD has equivalent Mother’s Day status, where children give small gifts to their mothers and grandparents.
A global network of diverse local activity connects women from around the world, from business conferences, political rallies, government activities and networking events to local women’s craft markets, fashion shows, theatrical performances, and more.
A lot of global corporations actively support IWD by running their events and campaigns. For example, on March 8th, search engine and media giant, Google often change their Google Doodle on its search pages to honor IWD. Year after year, IWD is increasing in status.
Observance of this day is furthermore best features diverse kinds of discrimination faced by women around the world. Make International Women’s Day every day. Do your part sure to make the girl’s future bright, equal, secure, and rewarding.
Celebration of International Women’s Day
Many types of women’s events – such as lectures, workshops, concerts, rallies, volunteering – will also be held on March 8th. If you desire to take part, here are some ways to find an activity:
• Check out the events page on the official International Women’s Day website.
• Ask the employer or human resource department if your company will honor the day.
• Access the local community website or Facebook page to find charitable organizations and institutions that may host events and businesses, restaurants, and stores that can offer special promotions.
• Consult with someone with whom you would like to have a meaningful discussion (possibly your manager or mentor) about an idea or goal -“As simple as it may be, scheduling a meeting will force you to move on,” she explains. “Enjoy those brave moments and do not think about them too much.”
How to Celebrate International Women’s Day 2019 at Work?
From organizing a school visit to an exhibition of a female artist and dressing up as your favorite female icon, tell your wife the work why they are epic, here is how you can celebrate the IWD in your office…
Take your Pret sandwich to a calm corner and read a publication by a feminist icon.
Organize a series of lunchtime orientation sessions with women throughout the company. Spend a few times talking to a woman from another department and see what you can learn from your experiences.
Send a friendly email to a colleague telling you why you think she is a superwoman. Be each other’s cheerleaders and pull each other every day, but why not make a big deal out of this IWD? Take a school trip with the team to an exhibition of a female artist.
Hold a lunchtime speed discussion session where everyone will have the opportunity to discuss challenging conversation topics with a staff member from another department. Open thought channels and meet people outside your team.
International woman’s Day – Support for Right of them
The celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8th of each year commemorates the voices of women around the world to guarantee women’s rights, thus creating an environment free of gender disparity and social inequality. International Women’s Day is celebrated to appreciate the achievements of women in science, technology, business, etc.
Observance of this Day furthermore highlights various types of discrimination faced by women around the world.
Few words on International Women’s Day
The celebration of the program aims to highlight women’s rights and gender balance around the world.
Observance of this Day furthermore celebrated to diverse kinds of discrimination faced by women around the world such as education, science, technology, and health.
The celebration guarantees equal opportunities for women in education, business, politics, media, etc. The theme of International Women’s Day 2019 was “Think Equally, Develop Intelligence, and Innovate for Change.”
The theme of International Women’s Day implies the use of innovative technology for women in order to bring gender equality. Many global programs such as conferences, seminars, panel discussions, exhibitions, and concert performances are organizing at the time.
Several NGOs organize self-defense training programs such as Judo, Karate, etc. on the occasion of International Women’s Day. One aim of celebrating is day is to ensure that every girl or woman receives due respect and value in society.
On this Day, the government conducts various campaigns to highlight women’s social, economic, cultural, and political achievements.
This Day is the official allowed holiday in many countries, such as Afghanistan, Russia, Vietnam, China (women only), Uganda and Cuba. Rallies, campaigns, street games, documentary screening, and women’s parade, are some other programs that are also being organizing on International Women’s Day.
On the time of this Day, people’s present gifts or flowers to their wives, mothers, sisters, and colleagues as a sign of respect.
Government, local communities, NGOs should meet and organize activities at the time to empower girls and women in society.
This Day pays tribute to Woman’s business leaders, politicians, businesses, educational institutions, inventors, and the media around the world that have helped to secure women’s rights and build more fair societies.
The celebration of World Women’s Day offers a unique opportunity to focus on innovative ways to empower women in education, access to public services, health, and social rights.
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