In this article, we have explained the Advantages & Disadvantages of Television for Students in 2000+ Words with its history, and uses.
What is Television and Its History?
Television is an electronic system of broadcasting images or objects with motion and sound. Television is considered a wonderful invention of science. It was invented by an inventor of Scottland Mr. J. L. Bayerd in the 1920 century.
In the beginning, TV was not like that which we see now. Slowly changes and development were happening and till 1940 full electronic television was invented. That television was called as CRT televisions. Now a day’s LED TV is in vogue.
People feel to see television as if watching anything live, or anything happening before our eyes as in reality. It is the favored source of entertainment of public and different news. It is a popular medium of telecommunication and entertainment.
That’s why television is found in most of the houses in India, both in cities and villages. The invention of television has changed the lifestyle of the human and made possible a lot of things which people cannot imagine before its invention.
In starting black and white films, images, and videos were seen, but after the development of technology, it is possible to see the picture in their real look and color. There are different programs that are telecasted from their centers, called studios, with the help of communication satellites.
Now broadcasting has been digital because of which we can see crystal clear images and videos in their actual color and design. Each country has established several television broadcasting centers in diverse cities.
Also read: Essay on Television
Broadcasting Packages & Channels
Television brings a lot of packages of different channels depends upon the budgets. Now there is so much crowd and many channels round the clock available on TV, and finally, we can say that now the people are confused in the way of choosing the popular channels.
In India, before only one government channel was coming on television named “Doordarshan” but now over 200 hundred private and states level free and paid, both are available on the television screen.
The rates of packages are customized and suitable for each level of customer. Anybody can choose the channel as per his choice and select the plan, or he can tailor his package and minimize the unnecessary spending.
Now the television has become the need of every house. It connects the cable wire through the antenna to the tv set to watch different channels. Different types of television channel operators are in the market. They provide lots of channels, and they charge the fee as per their tariff.
Now DTH direct to home service has replaced the cable connection in which without a cable we can watch the different programs. DTH services required only a set-top box in place of cable. This set box catches the signals of channels through the satellite of the country.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Television
The Advantages of Television
As we know that we are moving forward quick in technology. This technology affects the life of each human in the world. Technology gave us an excellent and beneficial gift in the form of television. But like other machines and inventions, the TV also has its advantages and disadvantages for the human being.
The uses, benefits, and losses also are known by each viewer of television. But the habits have become so common, and the people cannot ignore the watch television, especially children and adults, have become so addicted to watching the TV. We mention the advantages of television below –
1. For entertainment
Television provides comprehensive varieties of entertainment for adults and kids both. We can have a good show by choosing serials, plays, films, and a series of games and sports matches.
Television provides the facility of entertainment at home where viewers can watch several types of serials, music, movies, and many more. The show gives relaxation to the mind and body.
2. Learning new things
Television is the source of learning new things related to various fields. Educational programs, creative shows, and competitive programs give a lot of knowledge and information about education and technology. These shows, serials, and programs have become an essential part of our day to learning.
3. For news of the world
Nowadays television is the main, fastest and accessible medium of spreading news in a piece of time. News about the economy of the country and the world, industry, politics, and sports can be provided and broadcasted speed and a manner with pictures and video clips.
People can see the actual condition and situation of any issues or incidents or accidents from their house through this trustworthy source of information.
4. Unity of family increase
You believe or not, but television is the only place where all members of the family of the entire family can sit together. If an entire family sits together in the enjoying mood, they can discuss openly with integrity.
It sort lots of issues out if they discuss simultaneously, and TV is the only place where all members of the family can sit and watch the television, and they can openly talk.
5. Best Time Pass
Television is significant for people, especially for old age people or who are free and have much time to pass. After retiring from a job or parents, feel bore and alone, and they feel tough to give their time.
Television is the best companion in this situation for old age and alone people. We can say that television is not only the source of entertainment and time pass for old age people, but it is a good time pass and entertainment for kids, children and students as well.
6. Development of personality
There are a lot of different programs, sports matches, and full knowledge debates that increase the nature of the students and children. New things and techniques will be learned by the people through television only.
Huge international and national games like Olympic, national tournaments, commonwealth games, etc. increase awareness among the students for staring games and sports.
7. Awareness & knowledge of different languages
Another advantage of television is that through it we can learn and know the new styles of various regions, states, and countries. So the general knowledge about this field increases as well.
Before television, only local languages were known, but after the revolution and its various regional channels, there are lots of serials and programs being broadcasted in different languages.
8. Different Culture Awareness
In India outside India in the entire world, there are different cultures, rituals and customs are prevalent if we keep aside television, then we will not have any better source of knowing and watching about these cultures.
Nowadays, there are several channels available in which they show the cultural activities of different places and different languages and different religions and beliefs.
9. Cheap Source of Entertainment
The television fulfills the entertainment requirement of each category of people of society. But the cost of TV has increased and very advanced and costly television sets are available in the market.
But still there are the cheapest televisions that also provide a good range of products to the medium class customers and lower class customers. They can take enjoyment and entertainment through television at very least spending.
10. Health benefits
If we have entertainment, good laughing, and discussion, then it improves the internal system of the body, and our health also improves gradually. As sports, entertainment, and extracurricular activities are essential and vital for the sound health of the human being.
11. Motivation Increase
Day by day, several programs are being launched in different channels in which people and students can take part i.e., quiz competitions, general knowledge, awareness, and educational shows. People are encouraged and motivated by watching them, and they become intent to do the same in practical life. Finally, it affects their personality and development in a career.
12. Expand the mind
Now, television has become the best motivator and educator. Lots of educational channels include group discussions, technology development, breaking news, and fresh information, economic development, and many more things for the youth and people. Because of the mindset also change and develop faster.
13. Religious Awareness
There are several channels have been launched dedicated to the religious news, seminars, programs and gathering, preaching, and teachings.
Every member of any religion and belief can see the different programs and of varying faith increase their knowledge. It is a significant advantage of television.
By sitting at home, only people can know the holy things and teachings and lectures of the leaders and saints. Some people, and an old-aged person, especially they watch tv for the only religious purpose to watch their favorite religious channels.
Disadvantages of Television
Nowadays, almost every house has a tv set for entertainment and information. As we discussed above, there are lots of advantages to watching television.
But besides a lot of benefits, TV has some disadvantages as well. We cannot ignore its adverse side effects. These side effects severely affect our life and health as well.
Here we will discuss in details about the disadvantages of watching television point-wise to under better.
1. Negative effect on health
Watching most of the time, television is not suitable for health. It is the foremost significant side effect of watching tv mostly on kids. If we watch television most of the time, then we will face lots of health-related problems as body pain, back pain, eye irritation pain.
In every house, people and mostly kids watch the full television days and sitting on the sofa or chairs. For this, children and adults do not go outside for playing or any sports activities.
Kids are becoming addicted to watching cartoon channels. Because of this, they become more irritative. The one major reason for obesity in kids is watching television for long hours. At the time of eating and drinking, kids like to sit only in place of walking after a meal.
2. Wastage of time
The television is an excellent source of joy and entertainment, but the excessive use of television is so harmful to the kids and adults both. If any popular serial or programs come on TV, then all people or all members collect in the television room to watch.
But usually, time-wasting is there to watch unnecessary serials or programs. In examinations time mostly kids waste time to see the tv.
3. Lack of meeting with families
For television and its channels of popularity, it is seen that families and kids avoid going anywhere to meet at the time of their favorite program. In sports seasons and particular program, time fond of television does not go out or anywhere as they want to sit only in front of the TV.
Because of this distance between the two families increase. In this way, television is not as good as people give priority to tv more.
Adverse effect on children and kids – Various numbers of programs broadcasted which are not suitable and related to children’s mentality as per their age who are less than 18 years old. These types of plans leave a terrible impression on children, and they adopt the wrong way, affecting their study and career.
4. Encourage the disputes
Because of television, new conflicts and arguments happen in families. Some shows leave a wrong impression on the mind of males and females, and their thinking changes a lot. For these changes, they become compelled to fight, and unexpected disputes take birth.
5. Addiction to Cartoons
Each house is severely affected because of cartoon channels, and the kids and children are so addicted and like a mad to watch the different cartoon channels. Kids sit on the sofa for long hours, and they do not feel hungry and other things. Only they concentrate on cartoons.
Because of this, children do not go out for the play, and so their physical activities go down. Lots of parents are so anxious and worry for this habit and addiction to children. It affects the mindset of kids and children severely.
6. The negative impact of a false advertisement
We see that day by day, the crowd around a false ad on television is increasing quick. Many ads come on tv. These are like: a variety of local and branded products are also being sold through advertisement.
Most of these advertisements are fake and against the rule and mindset of children and kids. Because of this, they like only that item, whatever does not bother.
Some advertisements are related to only adults, but if they sit with kids and children, then they also watch this and their mind disturbed and change from their career and study.
In the above discussion and analysis of television utility and its advantages and disadvantages, we conclude that the use of television is a useful invention. Still, the use of tv gives many side effects if not used properly.
There should be a balance in usage, and especially for kids and children, we should be more conscious and try to avoid unwanted and unsuitable programs. Anything if used more than limit and improper, then it is harmful.
This is good. Thanks a lot and stay blessed please
This is the good thing for developing children .thanks
Your way writing is so and beautiful.
Your article is nice