In this article we have explained 20 best time management tips for school and college students. These time saving tips will help you manage your time properly.
If you will manage your time, you will get more time to do productive works to increase your skill and brain power. You must make a time schedule for all your necessary works.
In this busy life, time management is so much important for students and working persons. If you are worried about how to manage your time, then these tips will help you a lot.
The week has 168 hours – more than enough to focus on the activities you value most. Read below some best time management tips for school and college students.
20 Best Time Management Tips for School and College Students
1. Explain your long-term goals
Do you want a better job? More pay? And a better balance between work and life? Before embarking on a school trip, specify the result you want to achieve. The more explicit and specific you are, the more likely you are to make it.
Set up your long-term goals and ask yourself how you can achieve them? When you will complete your list of ‘how’, you will easily understand ‘what to do?’. Always use your time in productive works.
2. Create a time log
Where is time going? How the time is ending so fast? Are you thinking that your time is running quick and you cannot do any work?
It happens because of rushing from one activity to another; it is easy to lose sight of the way you spend your days. But the human brain is not a reliable tool for measuring the time we spend on a task.
Get control of your time by setting up a baseline. Take a week and see how you spend 168 hours: commuting, cooking, playing with children, work, walking the dog, sleeping, everything.
The results may surprise you. Because at the end you see there are so many times with you waste for unnecessary things which have no use in your life.
Then sit come in your room and cut the unnecessary things which you have done in the past week and ensure to avoid doing those wrong works next week. It will save your time directly.
3. Take a brain dump
Over time, the to-do lists stretch, covering everything from dentist visits to home maintenance. This mental mess creates resistance for your psyche.
“Unused computer programs consume valuable memory and slow down the speed of the computer, unfinished tasks consume willpower and slow down the brain,” said Brett Mackay, author of “The Art of Endurance.”
What is the Remedy? McKay recommends pulling a giant to-do list and out of paper (or switching to a digital way such as Evernote or Omnifocus of Things). You free the acres of mental space when you redirect your list to your arena.
4. Use a paper or electronic calendar
Use a calendar to track your tasks, which will help you manage your time. If you do not have a physical calendar, you can use setting digital calendars like Google Calendar, iCalendar, Outlook, or any other type of application.
Calendars really help you understand on which date what you must do?
5. Try new tools
Excellent online resources will help you find more time in your days. There are lots of tools which will help you do you work fast.
For example, you can check Grammarly app, Pro writing app for faster online writing and grammar checking. It will save your time directly, by correcting all errors in your documents.
If you take example of few other new tools like Adobe Scan, you do not have to put the paper in any scanning machine. Just take some photos of the documents and the mobile phone app will create a pdf file within few documents.
6. Limit your use of social media
The most often discussed topic was the desire for social media. Instagram, WhatsApp, Reddit and Facebook Are highly used by students. But do you know if you become a social media addict you will lose all your precious time?
Social media is more addictive than alcohol. If you stick on it, you waste your many hours daily. So, at the end you will forgot to do your important works and study.
Most of the people use social media on their smartphone and computers. If possible, keep these devices always from your working area. If you work on your computer try to lock social media apps far is specific working time.
7. Plan your week in advance
Always plan your coming week in advance. Doing this will help you ready all your works and saves your time. Choose the essential things from the many roles you play – a student, parent, employee, homeowner, son, or daughter.
Also add your various activities – such as exercise, dates, and downtime. Remember to devote some time to relax and have fun that will give you energy and well-being.
Do not forget to add some yoga and exercise times in morning an evening. This will help you to become mentally strong.
8. Enter recurring appointments
Use a calendar to block all non-productive items during the week: class time, homework time, travel time, work, sleep, food preparation, and cleaning.
Check your time log to estimate how long each activity will take. Treat these repetitive visits with the same respect as visiting a doctor.
9. Create a daily plan for time management
With your weekly plan, take the time each evening on the write-down things you need to carry out the next day. It will not waste your time to think what to do on that day.
On the next day you must wake up and start your work listed on the daily plan. Consider this live document knowing you must change and adapt it as the week goes by.
Creating a daily plan is the most important part in time management. So, do not forget to apply this point in your daily life.
10. Limit the to-do list
The person with the most extended task list does not win. Time management masters, such as Allyson Lewis and Laura Vanderkam, suggest limiting the to-do list to three or five elements is good for productivity.
Why so short? It is best to do four things instead of trying a dozen things. By prioritizing, you are more likely to feel satisfied and carry out and charge for the next one.
So, prioritize your work, which is important and remove all unwanted task from your list. Remember, making your list shot in your to-do list so it will not stress your mind.
11. Specify a time limit for each task
To-do list is not enough. Specify how many minutes you will spend on each subject and stick to the set time budget. Be firm about completing your tasks and meetings on scheduled dates.
Limiting your work and study for a particular time will help you cover all your categories and chapters. If you do not limit your words, you cannot complete all your works.
This is one of the best ways to complete your all work in given time. Also, practicing this will help you complete all questions in competitive exams.
12. Track your time
The internet is full of handy digital clocks that will help you do the job, from a simple Timer to the more advanced Toggl.
Whether you are using an analog clock or applications, get used to track the time spent on each task. Clock ticking alone is often a strong motivator to focus efforts.
13. Create gap time
Adding gap times between your work schedules is very important. When you try to find time for school, works, and home activities, leave 10-15 minutes between them. It will help you to boost your mind.
Do not expect to get a smooth transition from home mode to dinner mode. Buffers give you some space to breathe and can strengthen this familiar feeling of running from behind.
14. Give up perfectionism
Accept that you cannot do everything, let alone do it correctly. You cannot afford for hours tuning and tinkering.
With school assignments, start from where you are, do what you can, and ask for teacher or colleague help when you need it.
Sometimes perfection is not possible, good is enough for your work.
15. Seek support
Let your education become a family project. The whole family will get benefits when you get a degree and go to a more satisfying job. To make the school more comfortable to manage, ask for help with tasks that usually belong to you.
Can your spouse take on more household chores? Can a friend or neighbor help transport children? How about a scheduled takeout night instead of cooking dinner once a week?
So, it will really help you save and manage lots of time.
16. “No” is the full sentence
“Appreciate your time and others will do the same,” says Frances Booth, author of Forbes.com. Back to school is an excellent opportunity to practice falling offers that distract you from your goals.
Are you inconvenient with a total “no?” This time try this sentence: “Let me think about it and come back to you.” You will buy yourself time to think about whether the invitation is in your best interest.
17. Perform school tasks on the go
Carry tasks and use small pockets of time during the day – waiting for the children to finish training, lunch break, between meetings – for work on projects. Do not wait for large areas of time to open. They will not.
18. Give up entertainment
When studying at school, disable all applications, and browser windows you do not need. This includes all social media, instant messaging, texting, and other time losses.
Studies have shown that multitasking slows you down and reduces your effectiveness. Yes, we know entertainment is a part of life, but you must set a time for it.
Entertainment is best for holidays or vacations. Limit your entertainment in your school and college times and in exams time its better to give up them.
19. Take conscious breaks
Do you automatically surf the internet when you reach a milestone or hitch? Resist this habit and try a mental palate-cleansing instead: Stretch, go fast, meditates.
Try the Pomodoro technique, in which you work in 25-30 minutes series with breaks, and then in five-minute breaks (also at specified intervals).
Do not go for a long sleep? Always be conscious because you are in your working time .
20. Plan your free time for time management
There is nothing like a free time. Every time is precious, so plan your unused time in some productive work. It is a super time management strategy.
You can do meditation or read some story books. Also, you have lots of things to learn On YouTube or any other video platform.
There are lots of things to do like painting, fishing, swimming, planting a tree. But remember, do not sit doing nothing.
Regardless of how demanding your schedule, you are not a robot. Do not expect to be productive or engaged of the day. Build on time to relax, recharge, or do nothing.
The bottom line with 24 hours each day, you have more time than you think. By taking a thoughtful approach to actions you implement – and abandoning unnecessary things – you can adapt school and college to your busy life.
I hope you liked these best time management tips. How do these steps helped you to save your time? Comment your thoughts below.
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