In this article you will read ‘India of My Dreams Essay’ for students and children in 1000 words. It includes various points needed to make our dream India in 2047.
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India of My Dreams Essay
Everyone in this world has a vision or a dream related to their future, and so do I, but it’s not about my future but the future of my country. India is a country that is rich in different types of culture and diversity.
It is a large country where people of different castes, different creeds, cultures, religions, and even people speaking different languages live together. For this reason, India is known to be one of the best countries in the world unity in diversity.
Like everyone who dreams about the future of their country, I too dream of seeing India as one of the most advanced and most developed nations in the world. A country where there is no corruption, no poverty, and a 100 percent literacy rate.
My dream country is where women are protected against domestic crime, and no more domination or violence is shown towards the female gender.
When males and females are given equal opportunity in nation building, it would add to faster growth and development of the country.
My dream in India would be when education is provided to everyone along with employment to the deserving candidates. In that manner, crimes and illegal activities can be easily reduced.
Points Needed to Make Our Dream India Possible in 2047
Women Empowerment
The India of my dreams would be one where women are respected everywhere and are treated with equal rights and power as men. Women should have financial independence and decision-making powers in their family.
They must feel safe and protected wherever they go so that they can work with their total energy and potential. Women must be paid equally to do the same work as men so that they can have a chance to pursue a better lifestyle for their families.
Advance Medical Facilities
The primary aim of medical facilities should be to provide better health care for people and protect them from diseases and sickness. Proper health care facilities should be provided to people of all age groups and of all economic backgrounds.
District hospitals should have all the latest equipment and should provide high-quality treatment so that people don’t need to travel to major cities for their treatment. All the staff of the hospital should be adequately trained and have sufficient knowledge to deal with any issue.
Excellent Education Systems
Education is the major factor that can effectively help in nation-building. Though there are a lot of initiatives made by the government to promote education in the country, a lot of people are either unaware of it or don’t realise their importance.
The India of My Dreams would be where there are no uneducated people in the country anymore. Education should be mandatory to achieve a 100% literacy rate.
If we implement an education system that allows everyone proper education, we can also be able to provide employment to everyone to earn money.
Employment Opportunity
India is a country with a population of over 100 crores. This is a reason for unemployment for most people, as there are not enough jobs for everyone.
Most people are educated in the country, but due to corruption, heavy competition, and many other reasons, a lot of people are not able to get a good job.
Apart from that, less pay and fewer opportunities in other sectors are also reasons for unemployment. Reservation is also a major issue, due to which deserving candidates are unable to get the job they deserve.
The India of My Dreams would be a nation where jobs would be provided based on knowledge, skills, and talent, and no partiality should be given to this.
No Caste Discrimination
The people of India are still struggling with issues like caste discrimination, religious discrimination, and religious feelings. This is the major reason that people from the lower section of society are not able to get good social status and respect.
The nation should give them better status and allow them to have equal rights as others. My dream India shall not have any discrimination among the people.
No Corruption
Corruption is one of the major reasons why we are unable to see proper growth and development in our country.
Due to corruption, a large number of people are unable to get jobs, and even the basic infrastructure and society are not functioning properly.
I would like to see India become a strong nation where the primary focus of the government officials and politicians would be to benefit society.
No Gender Inequality
In our country, women are still regarded as inferior to men. They are not given proper economic and social status. They are not given proper protection, and they are still tolerating torture, domestic violence, and dominance.
In the India of My Dreams, women should be able to pursue their rights and dreams freely with full support and enthusiasm. They should be given importance and should be treated equally to men.
Peaceful Society
Day by day, the number of crimes is increasing in the country. This is mainly because of improper education and employment that people are committing minor crimes.
There should be strict rules along with penalty charges and punishment like imprisonment to control crime.
There are many organisations working on creating a peaceful society by educating people about basic things. I dream of a peaceful country where there is no harm to anyone.
The India of My Dreams should be an ideal country where we see a nation of growth and development in all fields.
I hope our coming generation will get all the things we have dreamt of seeing in our dream India. A politically sound and unbiased country where everyone enjoys equal rights and opportunities.
The difference between rich and poor and between males and females should be eliminated. Every citizen should work to make our nation proud on a global level so that all other countries can be inspired by India.
I hope you liked this India of My Dreams Essay.
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